Jane Primerano
Independent Journalist
Hope, New Jersey, United States

We're Sorry

“From the very first Earth Day when college students added concern for the environment to the protests of the National Student Strike. ”

Dear Future,

Some of us tried.

From the very first Earth Day when college students added concern for the environment to the protests of the National Student Strike.

We worked hard. We planted organic gardens and used canvas shopping bags. We persuaded our churches to use coffee mugs and wash them after fellowship hour. We protested. We objected to pipelines in the Pine Barrens and power lines in the Delaware Water Gap. We stood up. For endangered species -- planting butterfly bushes and fighting clear cutting. We read. About the disposal methods of the past. We studied. The science of pollution and its remedies. We donated. The small amounts of money we had. We taught. Our children to care for the earth. We encouraged. Their natural love for all animals, even the icky ones. We prayed. Those of us who believe it is God's creation we are supporting. We hiked. We kayaked. We celebrated the world.

But we couldn't stand up against the Monsantos and the Dows. We couldn't match the millions of dollars in campaign contributions. We couldn't understand how these people, who live in the world, had children and grandchildren in the world, could care so little about what they were doing. Could care so little about their legacy.

We're sorry.

Jane the Earth Mother.