Stele "XOEarth Man" Ely
Eco Action Educator
Boulder, Colorado, United States

My Green Minute Vow To Future Peeps & Critters

“In order to extend the life of this exquisite yet dying biosphere for at least one more precious, living, loving minute, I vow to live eco logically and environmentally every day, as much as possible, for the rest of my life.”

Hello Future Earth Peeps And Critters,

Below is my vow to you to take actions that will extend the life of this dying biosphere by 1 minute so that you will get more fun time on this planet.

Before I make my Green Minute Vow to you, a couple of things:

Some are saying we could lose 98% of all life on this planet by 2035 if we continue to abuse our planet this way. But even to those that say it could die by 2100, or 2200, I want to delay its demise.

I agree with them that our biosphere - quite regretfully - could be kicking the bucket soon-ish.

But there is a rad fact that empowers my vow. If one lives ecologically and takes environmental actions that delay the demise of our biosphere by 1 minute, it is like giving 13,000 people another year to live.

Here's the math behind that goodie. 1 minute times 7 billion is 13,000 years. Therefore, adding 1 minute to the lives of 7 billion people adds the equivalent of 13,000 human years to various people around the world.

And yes, adding 1 minute to the lives of trillions of other lifeforms on Earth is the equivalent of saving full lifetimes of millions of those lifeforms!

There are certainly countless fun, loving, magnificent, deep and sweet experiences that humans and various life forms are having every single minute on our planet. That's why I know that living eco logically in order to add a minute to the life on our biosphere is so freaking totally worth it.

So here is my Green Minute Vow to ye future peoples and critters::

** In order to extend the life of this exquisite yet dying biosphere for at least one more precious, living, loving minute, I vow to live eco logically and environmentally every day, as much as possible, for the rest of my life. **

There it is! I'm going for it! For you future peeps! For the future critters!

And I admit it, I'm also doing to make this world better for those of us living now.

I have to go now, to put up a clothesline for a friend. But my next letter will include a short list of the Green Minute Vow actions that I am taking for you.

Yours, Stele Ely ~ aka XOEarth Man