Nichole Engel
United States

Never Give Up Hope!

“It wasn’t until the early 2000’s that I finally understood there was a problem.”

Hello my dearest grandchildren.

You may not know me but I truly do wish that we meet and I can be fortunate enough to find a place in your heart. Your world is probably a lot different than the world is for me now. We enjoy anything that has to do with the outdoors, may it be hiking, fishing, horseback riding, and the list goes on. From the bottom of my heart I hope that you do get to enjoy these same simple things. If not for the simple things there is not much worth living for.

It wasn’t until the early 2000’s that I finally understood there was a problem. One that I wish we can solve in time. From years of overharvesting almost everything this planet has to offer we can finally see that the planet is hurting and needs help. It is time that everyone bands together and creates a new life that does not rely on the very blood of the planet to get by; but instead works together to protect and preserve this gift that we were given, may it be from a god or from the unexplainable forces of the universe.